Efforce (WOZX)
$0.002354 (3.96
฿0.00000002 (2.28
Market cap
$1 456 019
Volume (24h)
$7 495
1 000 000 000 (Max)
618 886 955 (Available)
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Efforce (WOZX) is a platform which allows contributors to benefit from the energy savings generated by energy efficiency projects worldwide.
Smart contracts and blockchain is used to redistribute energy savings to individuals and companies without intermediaries based on energy consumption/savings data.
Founding team of Efforce consists of Jacopo Visetti, Jacopo Vanetti, Steve Wozniak, Ken Hardesty, Stefano Scozzese, and Andrea Castiglione.
If you would like to learn more about Efforce and how it works, the whitepaper can be found at https://efforce.io/WP_ENG_V1.pdf
Smart contracts and blockchain is used to redistribute energy savings to individuals and companies without intermediaries based on energy consumption/savings data.
Founding team of Efforce consists of Jacopo Visetti, Jacopo Vanetti, Steve Wozniak, Ken Hardesty, Stefano Scozzese, and Andrea Castiglione.
If you would like to learn more about Efforce and how it works, the whitepaper can be found at https://efforce.io/WP_ENG_V1.pdf
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