Rocket Pool (RPL)
$10.17 (1.66
฿0.00010542 (-0.63
Market cap
$213 316 497
฿2 212.70
Volume (24h)
$6 663 204
20 988 203 (Max)
20 988 203 (Available)
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Rocket Pool is Ethereum’s most decentralised liquid staking protocol.
Liquid stakers can participate by depositing as little as 0.01 ETH to receive the rETH liquid staking token.
Rocket Pool is a fully non-custodial solution, and its node operators are economically-aligned to perform well for stakers. Joining as a node operator is fully permissionless and requires just 16 ETH (instead of the usual 32). A boosted ROI is provided from both operator commission plus RPL rewards. The Rocket Pool team have been in the staking space since its inception in 2016, which gives them a pedigree and track record without peer.
Liquid stakers can participate by depositing as little as 0.01 ETH to receive the rETH liquid staking token.
Rocket Pool is a fully non-custodial solution, and its node operators are economically-aligned to perform well for stakers. Joining as a node operator is fully permissionless and requires just 16 ETH (instead of the usual 32). A boosted ROI is provided from both operator commission plus RPL rewards. The Rocket Pool team have been in the staking space since its inception in 2016, which gives them a pedigree and track record without peer.
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